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Thursday, July 28, 2011

design car stiker | design car stikers | car window decals

design car sticker

While there are a number of images is the program. I think AutoCAD is one of the best to design a car sticker. One obvious reason is that AutoCAD is a vector-vector and program files used by the conspirators needed to cut the stickers.

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A vector file is a computer image produced by the vector. A vector is a technical term which means a number of strengths and direction. Because computers are mathematical machines tit easy for them to create lines and shapes. A raster image file is a file from a series of dots, and these types of files such as Photoshop do not work on the plotter.

car sticker design

There is also another reason to use AutoCAD to design your bumper stickers are easy to operate with ease. This is definitely a learning curve involved, and it will be impossible to send the entire program on the weekend, but one can probably either some basic commands in a short time.

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To draw a bumper sticker, Autocad better than some other vector drawing programs like CorelDraw and Illustrator in a number of areas. One area is basic drawing or sketch. It will be able to understand some of what you do not copy Autocad in other programs, but there is much more tedious.


Unknown said...

terima kasih atas informasinya..
semoga dapat bermanfaat bagi kita semua :) Mobil Baru

Unknown said...
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