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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Injector windings don't lift pintle, seized pintle, or slow pintle cycling

CAUSE OF FAILURE 3...injector coil windings overheated from cooling system failure or ignition failure, with windings losing their magnetic performance; open (broken) windings; shorted (grounded) windings; seized pintle from internal injector corrosion (engine has set too long without running causing the injector to rust internally, petrol contamination with water, or cycling of injector without fuel flow to act as cooling agent and lubricant).

EFFECTS OF FAILURE 3...(A) If injector pintle is "off" the seat...overfueling of affected cylinder with resultant underfueling of remaining cylinders within "closed loop", poor engine performance, poor fuel economy, possible O2 sensor damage, potential engine overheating and engine damage, hard or no start, fuel leaks after shutdown. (B)If injector pintle is "on" the seat...underfueling/no fueling of affected cylinder with resultant overfueling of remaining cylinders with "closed loop" system, poor engine performance, poor fuel economy, O2 sensor damage, engine/piston/ring damage.

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